Y para cerrar con broche de oro esta primera semana de cultura, turismo e inglés en Londres, viajamos hasta Greenwich, por donde pasa el conocido meridiano que lleva éste mismo nombre.
No faltaba más, para llegar hemos tomado un barco turístico por el Támesis, desde el cual observamos la ciudad desde otro punto de vista y perspectiva.
Luego de más o menos una hora de travesía, llegamos...
Viaje de vuelta ya lo hicimos por metro pues el cansancio, de toda una semana de enriquecedoras experiencias, ya empezó a notarse.
Llegamos justo antes de la Bendición Solemne con el Santísimo, por la fiesta de Pentecostés; luego la cena y un tiempo libre para ordenar las cosas, el inefable chateo con las familias y fin del día.
Early in the mornig we attended for mass to a small but beautiful church near the residence, it was "Pentecostes". To listen an english ceremony was something new for us because we learned vocabulary, later we came back to the residence to have breakfast and get ready for the journey to Greenwich.
To get there, we had to pass by the London eye again, but this time we went aboard on a boat that took us through the river. "It was awesome"
In Greenwich, we went to the museum that had many things, such as paintings and a observatory. Then, we went to the park outside of the museum and sat down informally on the grass to eat our lunch, and later go for a walk along the park. We had free time to visit shops and buy suvenirs as part of the experience a couple of friends got lost but Pablo and Diego found them inmediatly.
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